Creating a Template

Step 1 – Navigate to the Templates tab on the left hand panel.



Step 2 – Click  “+ New”, type in the name for the new template, select the type of template from the drop down list then click “Add”


Step 3 – To begin building your template click “+ Add Screen”

NOTE: Click the 3 dots to Rename the Screen, Remove the Screen or Copy the Screen.

NOTE 2: To add more screens click “+ Add Screen” again – there are no limits to how many screens you can have in 1 template – however we would suggest no more than 15 screens as the job can become too lengthy.


Step 4 – Using the components on the left build your screen.

NOTE: Either single click on each component to add to the current screen or click and drag into position.

NOTE 2: To re-position the components click and drag.



  1. Short Text – to capture things like name, title, location
  2. Long Text – to capture longer explanations such as job description or comments
  3. Table – to capture a range of short items in a table format
  4. Hyperlink – to navigate to an external website
  5. Instructions – if you have an existing PDF or  file you can upload these to the instructions tab and display them on the template
  6. Checklist – a list of items which can be checked off (refer to Creating Checklist for more instructions)
  7. Image – to allow staff or contractors to add their own images
  8. Signature – a digital signature is required
  9. Date – input the date the task was completed


Step 5 – Save the template.

NOTE: The template will auto save after a few seconds of activity – if this has not occurred please click on the save button to save changes – the save button will change from BOLD to transparent once the template has been saved. 

Template needs saving:

Template has been saved:


NOTE: In order to add a template to a Job you need to first assign the templates in each of the structures that require the template to be used (please see Creating a Job Schedule for more details)

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